Sunday, August 3, 2008


“要找美女多的是﹐ 你一定想問我為什麼要選你﹕ 我喜歡看你像小孩子一樣的笑﹐ 我喜歡看你認真地做每一件事﹔ 也許我喜歡你﹐ 就是因為你是你。。。”

这是我从朋友的msn messenger里抄来的一句话。。有时候那么一句话,可以建立一个女人的信心。。

1 comment:

Eric said...

Love you is because you are yourself! This is true! i used to complaint with my girl that why she changing when she be with me? I do not understand it, but now i understand it. This is because all is from myside. I cannot give her safety and always ignore to try to understand her. So i make her think a lot. Sorry with her. If i canbe more understand her and build up the safety feeling with her, i guess she will be better. Or at least feel confident with our relationship. I love her i know because she is the one, she is herself. Cute, innocent, silly, funny, understanding, patient, and soft. i swear i will not ignore her and i will not make her think a lot anymore. But nothing is important now for her because she will getting married soon. Sorry for b'lated love. i know i have nothing can do for her. But i will still care for her and wish she is happy.