kagirinai hinshi - omoidasu 在人間人人都想追求“美”,但是“美”不是刻意去裝扮出來的,真正的“美”要從我們的內心散發出來,而真正的“樸素純淨”即可表達內心的美...
I agree with you, Min. "是否为她着想?是否在意她快不快乐?"希望你找到了? 如没找到,那就等待。寻找一个真正对自己好的人。Goo Luck, 开心一点!
一个真正对自己好的人:Will caring you, worrying you all the way, and love who you are.Care + Worry = Love.
What is Love? It can feel from your heart:Are you caring and worrying someone all the time?He might be the one. You can feel the love from your heart. Love is simple. Wish you good luck, Min.
Eric, you are a good man. Your angel is lucky angel. Agree with the statement of:"是否为她着想?是否在意她快不快乐?"Actually love is simple.Eric statement:Worry + Care = Love.
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I agree with you, Min.
希望你找到了? 如没找到,那就等待。
Goo Luck, 开心一点!
Will caring you, worrying you all the way, and love who you are.
Care + Worry = Love.
What is Love?
It can feel from your heart:
Are you caring and worrying someone all the time?
He might be the one.
You can feel the love from your heart. Love is simple.
Wish you good luck, Min.
Eric, you are a good man. Your angel is lucky angel.
Agree with the statement of:
Actually love is simple.
Eric statement:
Worry + Care = Love.
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